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NALA CP/ACP Exam Information

Established in 1976, the Certified Paralegal ("CP") examination program is a voluntary professional credentialing program developed by the National Association of Legal Assistants and administered by a board composed of paralegals, members of the American Bar Association and members of the field of education active in paralegal training. The CP program involves successful completion of a two-day comprehensive examination covering the topics of communications; legal research; ethics; human relations and interviewing techniques; legal terminology; judgment and analytical ability and substantive law. Effective with the September 2013 Certified Paralegal examination, the Substantive Law section of the examination consists of questions on the American Legal System, Civil Litigation, Contracts, and Business Organizations. The Substantive Law section is the same test for all examinees. Thereafter, evidence of continuing legal education must be submitted periodically in order to maintain certified status.


The National Association of Legal Assistants, headquartered in Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a national, non-profit association which represents over 18,000 paralegals through individual members and 85 affiliated state and local associations. It is the leader in the growth and development of the paralegal profession, providing continuing education, professional development, and certification programs for the career field.


Please visit the NALA website for more information about the CP exam here:




The Advanced Certified Paralegal examinations are curriculum-based certification. An assessment component is part of the curriculum-based program. Participants are required to demonstrate mastery of the course material throughout the process. Both the educational and assessment components are on-line. There are many different subjects to choose from.


For more information about the different options and course models please visit the NALA website here:




Information describing this and other programs of the National Association of Legal Assistants may be obtained by contacting:


NALA Headquarters
6450 S. Lewis Avenue, Suite 250
Tulsa, OK 74136
FAX: 918-582-6772


Please visit the Scholarships/Awards page to find out more about NePA's continuing education scholarships including the NePA Certified Paralegal Scholarship and the NePA Advanced Certified Paralegal Scholarship opportunities.