

Upcoming Events


Board Meetings 


Continuing Legal Education

The Continuing Legal Education Chairperson and Committee shall plan legal educational programs for membership meetings, seminars and workshops and shall work with NALA in the event of co-sponsorship of any programs. This Committee shall also be responsible for fulfilling the education requirements set forth in the Standing Rules.


The Chairperson of this Committee shall be responsible for reporting such educational meetings upon request to the NALA Liaison of NePA. This Committee shall submit a written report to the Board of Directors on a regular basis of its plans for such legal education programs, seminars and workshops.


This Committee shall also plan the Membership Meetings of NePA and present periodic reports on progress to the Board of Directors for its approval. It shall recommend the date, time, place and registration fee for the Membership Meetings for approval and handle all arrangements for costs, meals and meeting rooms at the facility where held. This Committee shall plan an educational program, seminar or workshop in conjunction with the Membership Meetings and arrange for speakers, topics, handout material and publicity.


The Audit Committee shall audit NePA's accounting records within thirty (30) days following the close of the fiscal year and prior to the transfer of accounts to the newly elected Treasurer.


This chairperson and committee shall be responsible for archiving documents related to NePA with historical and/or legal value to the association. This shall include scanning of hardcopy files to preserve them in electronic format. The Secretary shall automatically be chairperson of this committee.


This Chairperson is the Membership Director, who, along with the Committee, shall process the membership applications according to the procedure set out in the Standing Rules. It shall actively solicit new members at all times and handle membership drives and programs for new members. Records of prospective members shall be maintained and mailing lists of the current membership and potential members shall be supplied to members of NePA for meetings and seminars. Information concerning membership shall be supplied to those making inquiries. This Committee shall be responsible for maintaining the membership roster and keeping the Treasurer informed of any additions or changes.


This Committee, consisting of a Chairperson and two members, shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors at least ninety (90) days prior to the date of the Annual Membership Meeting. The duties of the Committee shall be in accordance with the election of Officers procedures in the Standing Rules.

Official Publications

This Chairperson and Committee are responsible for the publication of the official newsletter or bulletin on a quarterly basis. This committee is responsible for the content, format, preparation, and distribution of the newsletter or bulletin to members of NePA, prospective members and other associations if deemed necessary or beneficial. This shall include obtaining permission to reprint articles. This committee is also responsible for submitting NePA updates to the Omaha Bar Association (OBA) for their publication when requested.

Public Relations (Law Day, Relay for Life, etc.)

This Chairperson and Committee will solicit assistance from the entire NePA membership for the purpose of acquainting the legal profession and general public with NePA. The Chairperson and Committee are responsible for developing and continuing a harmonious liaison with the local, state and national bar associations and shall report the names and pertinent information of newly elected Officers to the Nebraska State Bar Association ("NSBA") office for its directory. The Chairperson or a Committee member shall act as NePA's representative to the appropriate committees of local, state and national bar associations when requested. This Chairperson should supply articles and information to the NSBA.

CP/ACP Scholarship

This Chairperson and Committee are responsible for study and recommendation of the feasibility of awarding scholarships and for the procedures, eligibility and amount of scholarships for the Certified Paralegal and Advanced Certified Paralegal exams administered by NALA, if deemed feasible, but such feasibility, procedures, eligibility and amounts must be approved by the Board of Directors. The Committee is also responsible for recommendations concerning obtaining funds for such scholarships.

Student Education Award Committee

This chairperson and committee are responsible for study and recommendation of the feasibility of awarding student education awards and for the procedures, eligibility and amount of student education awards, if deemed feasible. Such feasibility, procedures, eligibility and amounts must be approved by the Board of Directors. The committee is also responsible for recommendations concerning obtaining funds for such student education awards.

Student Membership

This chairperson is the Parliamentarian, who, along with the committee, shall actively solicit new members and coordinate educational and mentoring programs for student members.


This chairperson and committee are responsible for administering, maintaining and updating NePA's official website as well as any other electronic or social media NePA registers for, including Facebook and LinkedIn. This committee shall also be responsible for coordinating all requests regarding new or updated technology from other committees or the Board of Directors.


This chairperson is the Past President, who, along with the committee, shall be responsible for obtaining and maintaining sponsorships for NePA.

Bylaws-Standing Rules Amendment

This chairperson and committee shall be responsible for the review and proposed amendment of the Bylaws and Standing Rules as needed to incorporate changes that arise from various Board of Directors' and Membership Meetings, changes to NALA's Bylaws or Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility or due to changes in the paralegal profession over time.