

Upcoming Events

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Become a Sponsor

The Nebraska Paralegal Association (NePA) invites your organization to become a Sponsor. NePA Sponsorship will increase your visibility within the legal community and will recognize your organization as a leader in promoting professional development of Nebraska paralegals. Please contact us at pastpresident@nebraskaparalegal.org for more information!


Download our individual sponsorship packets for more information:


Law Firms and Corporate Legal Groups

Business Partners/Vendors

Ruby Sponsor: $ 200.00

  • 1/4 page ad in all issues of NePA's e-zine, the In Brief, for the current sponsorship year
  • Logo on NePA's website

Sapphire Sponsor: $400.00:

  • Six complimentary admissions to any District luncheon for the current sponsorship year
  • One vendor table plus one complimentary admission to either the Spring or Fall Seminar for a representative for the current sponsorship year
  • 1/2 page ad in all issues of NePA's e-zine, the In Brief, for the current sponsorship year
  • Logo on NePA's website with link to your website

Emerald Sponsor: $600.00:

  • Six complimentary admissions to any District luncheon for the current sponsorship year
  • One vendor table plus one complimentary admission to BOTH the Spring and Fall Seminar for a representative for the current sponsorship year
  • Full page ad in all issues of NePA's e-zine, the In Brief, for the current sponsorship year
  • Logo on NePA's website with link to your website

Diamond Sponsor: $800.00:

  • Twelve complimentary admissions to any District luncheon for the current sponsorship year
  • One vendor table plus one complimentary admission to BOTH the Spring and Fall Seminar for a representative for the current sponsorship year
  • Sponsor of 1 hour CLE Event
  • Full page ad in all issues of NePA's e-zine, the In Brief, for the current sponsorship year
  • Logo on NePA's website with link to your website
  • Recognition on NePA's homepage
  • Up to 60 second commercial played at Both seminars for the current sponsorship year

Create Your Own:

In Kind (flowers for seminar, printing, etc.)

  • Thank you in email regarding event to members, acknowledgment at event and in materials, advertising in the In Brief based on value of items or services provided

Reciprocal Booth/Table (no cost) – one event in exchange for one event

Table at Seminar ($100)

Commercial ($25 each event it's played at, up to 60 seconds)

Sponsor a specific 1 hour CLE Event (limit 7) ($50 Virtual, $100 In Person)

  • Pick of the luncheon in order of sign up, thank you included in email regarding event to members, can handout materials at the meeting and up to 3 minutes to discuss your product or services - no minimum attendance guaranteed

In Brief advertising ($25 for 1/4 page, $50 for 1/2 page and $75 for full page ad for each issue)

Logo on website ($50 logo only, $100 includes link to your website)

Membership Evening Networking Event ($500)

  • Thank you included in email regarding the event to attendees, can handout materials at the event and up to 3 minutes to discuss your product or services, acknowledgment at event and in materials - no minimum attendance guaranteed

Paralegal Forum (limit 2) ($250)

  • Acknowledgment at event and in the event materials, no minimum attendance guaranteed